Welcome to our new feature about upcoming programs from the staff of the Grace Schmidt Room (GSR). We will spotlight new and upcoming program and events on a bimonthly basis that will be of interest to local historians, genealogists, students, researchers and heritage enthusiasts.
You can also find a listing of currently offered GSR programs on the Local History and Genealogy homepage, as well as on the Library’s Event Listing (select Genealogy/Local History in the Event Type box).
Here are our programs for July and August 2023:
Wednesday July 5 @ 6:30pm - Central – Join us for Seances and Disembodied Spirits in Southwestern Ontario. Nick Richbell, Head, Special Collections and Archives, and PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo will share the history of séances and disembodied spirits that appeared in private homes in Southwestern Ontario, as documented in the archival collections of the University of Waterloo. He’ll introduce you to two mediums, William Cartheuser (1890-1966) and Thomas Lacey (1895-1966), and the spirits who communicated through them. The talk will include photographs of séances, as well as audio clips from 1960s séances, including an example of Electronic Voice Phenomena that was captured on tape. Intrigued? Sign up here!
Wednesday July 12 @ 6:30pm – Pioneer Park – Kitchener Movie Nite Lights, camera, action! Relive Kitchener life and commerce in films from 1947 and 1957. This is repeat showing of the Conestoga Wagon Stopped Here (1947) and the Industrial Progress of Kitchener (1957). Register for Kitchener Movie Nite at Pioneer Park!
Tuesday July 18 @ 6pm – Central – Interested in learning the basics of bookbinding? Join GSR staff for Bookbinding for Beginners. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn about how books are made and work through your first bookbinding (a mini notebook) project step-by-step. Register for Bookbinding for Beginners (July 18).
There’s a second (repeat) offering on Tuesday August 22 at @ 6pm – Central of Bookbinding for Beginners if you are unable to join us in July. Register for Bookbinding for Beginners (August 22).
Thursday August 31 @ 6:30pm – Central – Exploring Family Photos Become a photographic detective and learn how to find genealogy clues in old family photos! Join GSR staff for a presentation on how to use photographs to identify ancestors, determine dates and timelines, and enrich your family history. Register for Exploring Family Photos.
Interested in learning how to digitize your photographs, slides, negatives and videocassettes or print that treasured family photograph? Join GSR staff for Show Me How to Digitize! Sessions are offered between 9:30am and 4:30pm during the day on Mondays and Wednesdays and between 9:30am-12:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays. Email gsr@kpl.org or call 519-743-0271, ext. 212 to book your appointment!
Stay tuned for news about the KPL Genealogy Fair on Saturday November 4, 2023!
Cheers, Karen