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All locations are open today from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.


All locations are open today from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.


All locations are open today from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.


All locations are open today from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.


All locations are open today from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


All locations are open today from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


Central Library is open today from 1-5 p.m. All community libraries are closed.


Resource Development Policy

The Resource Development Policy supports the vision of Kitchener Public Library to inspire and enrich for life, as well as our commitment to support new ideas, reflect the community, and promote the principles of equity, and inclusion in all that we do.

The purpose of this policy is to guide staff in the acquisition of material and to familiarize Library customers with the principles that guide selection decisions for Kitchener Public Library collections.

The Resource Development Policy applies to all formats including print, audiovisual, electronic and special collections. It does not apply to federated content in some digital resources provided by the Library.

This policy applies to any Library staff or organization that undertakes the selection or withdrawal of materials for the Library’s collections and to all Library staff who accept and evaluate donations to collections. Kitchener Public Library is not responsible for collections managed by location partners.


Kitchener Public Library endorses the Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries adopted by the Canadian Federation of Library Associations in 2016, and the Statement on Intellectual Freedom and the Intellectual Rights of the Individual adopted by the Ontario Library Association in 2020.

The Library is committed to equity and inclusion and strives to offer a welcoming, inclusive environment while upholding the principles of freedom of expression and human rights.

The Library will safeguard and defend each individual’s privacy and dignity to decide what they want to read, view, listen to, or services they want to access.

Except where limited by law, children are entitled to borrowing privileges and open and ready access to library materials and services. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for guiding and limiting the use of library materials by their children.

Collection Scope

Kitchener Public Library collections will:

  • Provide contemporary materials representing varying points of view, including materials that reflect current conditions, trends and controversies
  • Support the information and recreational needs of the community and reinforce lifelong learning
  • Provide reliable, timely information
  • Include material in multiple formats, to support equitable access to individuals with disabilities
  • Preserve and promote knowledge of the community’s historic and cultural development
  • Include source materials and thoughtful interpretations which document or shine light on the past
  • Support access to the resources of other libraries and organizations through networking and cooperative arrangements
  • Include materials in different world languages to meet the needs of Kitchener’s diverse population. Languages are selected based on current Canadian Census data and if that language is sustainable as a collection with quality material, demand and usage.

Original, critical and unorthodox ideas reflect the essence of a democratic society and public opinion is not the sole guide for the selection of library materials. Library collections include materials that represent the different experiences, perspectives and opinions of community members without discrimination based on political, religious or moral views.

Selection of an item does not constitute endorsement by the Library of the content or viewpoint expressed in that item.

Kitchener Public Library does not keep, acquire or purchase material that the Canadian courts have found to be obscene, hate propaganda or seditious.

Selection Criteria

Under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer, library staff draw on professional knowledge, resources and judgment to oversee the development of library collections, using some or all of the following criteria:

  • Timeliness
  • Sustained interest
  • Cost and availability
  • Customer demand and anticipated demand
  • Significance of the author or artist
  • Availability of the material elsewhere
  • Current and future relevance to community needs
  • Literary quality, artistic value or importance to the genre
  • Suitability of subject, style, and level for the intended audience
  • Suitability of the format for public library use
  • Licensing requirements
  • Long term availability and perpetual access rights

Kitchener Public Library gives special consideration to materials with Canadian content by Canadian authors that record the Canadian experience, relate to life in Canada, or are about the lives and works of Canadians.

Donated materials are evaluated using the same selection criteria listed above and the following guidelines outlined in the Donations to the Collection policy.

Collection Maintenance

The Library maintains an ongoing practice of removing outdated materials, materials no longer of interest or in demand, duplicates, and worn or damaged copies. Materials are withdrawn from the collection according to defined criteria, including the following:

  • Accuracy
  • Timeliness
  • Physical condition
  • Frequency of circulation
  • Availability of other copies
  • Relevance to needs and interests of the community

Reconsideration of Materials

The library collection includes material representing many different perspectives and opinions. Customers have the right to express opposition to library material, and to reject it for their own personal use, but they may not restrict the freedom of others to make use of that same material.

Some of the Library’s digital content is provided by third-party vendors. In these circumstances, the Library is unable to reconsider objected material, but may inform the third-party vendor of the concern and/or determine whether to continue working with the vendor.

In the event of a concern or question about an item in the collection, the customer is asked to complete a Materials Reconsideration Form. Library staff research and review each completed request, and a written response is sent to the person or group making the request.

Donations to the Collection

Donated materials are evaluated according to the same selection criteria that guide the acquisition of purchased material. The Library reserves the right to refuse donations of material and the acceptance of a donation does not guarantee the Library will add it to the collection. Donated materials become the exclusive property of Kitchener Public Library.

Donated materials must be:

  • Accepted formats: Books, DVDs, Blu-ray or video games
    • Not accepted: CDs, CD-ROMs, VHS cassettes, vinyl, textbooks, condensed books, encyclopedia sets, magazines or newspapers
  • Published in the last three years
  • In new or nearly new condition
  • Dated, yellowed, damaged or annotated material will not be accepted
  • Multilingual material may be considered if they are languages that are part of the library's existing multilingual collections

Donated materials can be dropped off at any Kitchener Public Library location. Donations must be accompanied by a signed Donation Agreement Form.

Donations intended for the specialized local history collection are currently not being accepted.

The organizations listed below may accept donations. Please contact them first to determine whether they can accept your items. Most books and magazines can be recycled through the Region of Waterloo's Blue Box program.

  • K-W Book Store & Exchange, 308 King St. W., Kitchener, 519-742-1261
  • Old Goat Books, 99 King St. N., Waterloo, 519-880-9595
  • A Second Look Books & Movies, 109 King St. W., Kitchener, 519-744-2274
  • Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy, 1-888-238-6327
  • Canadian Diabetes Decluttering, 1-800-505-5525
  • Mennonite Central Committee, 519-745-8458
  • Salvation Army, 1-888-333-1229

Self-Published Authors

Kitchener Public Library welcomes submissions from local self-published authors who wish to have their publications added to the Library’s collection. Self-published materials are evaluated according to the same selection criteria that guide the acquisition of purchased and donated material.

Please send the information below to or by mail:

  • Title
  • Author
  • ISBN
  • List price
  • Date of publication
  • Summary of the book and its intended audience
  • Statement as to why this book would be of interest to Kitchener Public Library customers
  • Reviews from standard review journals such as Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Quill & Quire, etc.

Please do not send a sample of your book; unsolicited items will not be returned. Kitchener Public Library receives many submissions and purchases self-published books selectively; if you wish to know whether your title has been accepted, please check the Library’s catalogue.

Approved: May 2023